Frosted Glass

Frosted Glass

Froster Glass. Instant cooling of any type of cups or glasses. It doesn't need too much space, so it can be placed anywhere.

It improves the taste of your drinks and cocktails as it adds no flavor and the ice melts. Ideal for champagnes and white wines, as it maintains the carbon they hold.

It provides with more hygiene to the service as the glasses are sterilized with the freezing process. It improves the quality of the service with a low cost.

A distinguishing element for your business, a tool that cools and sterilizes your glasses and cups in a few seconds thanks

The Froster Glass is perfect for any business. Its design makes it suitable for any space and surface; besides, thanks to the manual system of working, it is practical, fast and easy to use.

Brochure Frosted Glass
English Brochure Congela Bicchieri.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat [1.3 MB]

Froster Glass. Instant cooling.


A distinguishing element for your business.

It improves the quality of the service with a low cost.

Frosted Glass
( IVA e spese di spedizione esclusi )

Special offer 499,00€ Instant cooling of any type of cups or glasses. It doesn't need too much space, so it can be placed anywhere.
Shipping cost: 20€ Europe - 50€ Other Nations. Co2 cylinder not included
For more quantity please send e-mail to

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© Salento Ice Company 2012-2022 - 73045 Leverano (Lecce) Italy P.IVA: 04621280751 Tel. +393249558185 Ghiaccio Alimentare Confezionato Certificato